TWR A-Series
12-15W, Triple Output DC-DC Converters
cycle by using extensive HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing).
4. To prove that early design improvements are effective by employing a
thorough FRACA (Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action) system.
HALT Testing
The goal of the accelerated-stress techniques used by Murata Power
Solutions is to force device maturity, in a short period of time, by exposing
devices to excessive levels of "every stimulus of potential value." We use
HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing) repeatedly during the design and
fail prior to reaching either the limits of the HALT chamber or some previously
known physical limit of the device. We also use the HALT chamber and its ability
to rapidly cool devices to verify their "cold-start" capabilities.
For each new product, electrical performance is veri?ed via a comprehensive
characterization process and long-term reliability is con?rmed via a rigorous
quali?cation procedure. The qual procedure includes such strenuous tests as
thermal shock and 500 hour life. Qual testing is summarized below.
early manufacturing phases to detect potential electrical and mechanical
design weaknesses
that could result in possible future ?eld failures.
During HALT, prototype and pre-production DC-DC converters are subjected
to progressively higher stress levels induced by thermal cycling, rate of
temperature change, vibration, power cycling, product-speci?c stresses
(such as dc voltage variation) and combined environments. The stresses are
not meant to simulate ?eld environments but to expose any weaknesses
in a product’s electro/mechanical design and/or assembly processes. The
goal of HALT is to make products fail so that device weaknesses can be
analyzed and strengthened as appropriate. Applied stresses are continu-
Quali?cation Test
High Temperature Storage
Thermal Shock
Lead Integrity
Life Test
Marking Permanency
End Point Electrical Tests
Quali?cation Testing
Murata Power Solutions in-house procedure
Max. rated temp., 1,000 hours
10 cycles, –55 to +125°C
+85°C, 85% humidity, 48 hours
Murata Power Solutions in-house procedure
+70°C, 500 hours*
Murata Power Solutions in-house procedure
Per product speci?cation
ally stepped up until products eventually fail. After corrective actions and/
or design changes, stresses are stepped up again and the cycle is repeated
until the "fundamental limit of the technology" is determined.
* Interim electrical test at 200 hours.
In-Line Process Controls and Screening
8 0
2 0
– 2 0
Typical HALT Pro?le
2 0
A combination of statistical sampling and 100% inspection techniques
our assembly line under constant control. Parameters such as solder-paste
thickness, component placement, cleanliness, etc. are statistically sampled,
charted and ?ne tuned as necessary. Visual inspections are performed by
trained operators after pick-and-place, soldering and cleaning operations.
Units are 100% electrically tested prior to potting. All devices are tem-
perature cycled, burned-in, hi-pot tested and ?nal-electrical tested prior to
external visual examination, packing and shipping.
Rapid Response to Problems
2 0
3 0
8 0
Murata Power Solutions employs an outstanding corrective-action system
Te s t T im e ( minu te s )
Murata Power Solutions has invested in a Qualmark OVS-1 HALT tester
capable of applying voltage and temperature extremes as well as 6-axis,
linear and rotational, random vibration. A typical HALT pro?le (shown above)
consists of thermal cycling (–55 to +125°C, 30°C/minute) and simultane-
ous, gradually increasing, random longitudinal and rotational vibration up
to 20G’s with load cycling and applied-voltage extremes added as desired.
Many devices in Murata Power Solutions’ A-Series could not be made to
Murata Power Solutions, Inc.
11 Cabot Boulevard, Mans?eld, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A.
ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTERED
to immediately address any detected shortcomings in either products or
processes. Whenever our assembly, quality or engineering personnel spot
a product/process problem, or if a product is returned with a potential
defect, we immediately perform a detailed failure analysis and, if necessary,
undertake corrective actions. Over time, this system has helped re?ne our
assembly operation to yield one of the lowest product defect rates in the
This product is subject to the following operating requirements
and the Life and Safety Critical Application Sales Policy :
Refer to:
Murata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other
technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply
the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Speci?cations are subject to change without
? 2013 Murata Power Solutions, Inc.
MDC_TWR12-15.C02 Page 5 of 5
TWR-5/3000-15/500-D48A-C CONV DC/DC TRI OUT 5,15,-15V
TZW4Z1R5A001R00 CAP TRIMMER 0.4-1.5PF 250V SMD
U002-006-IB-R CABLE USB 1.1 A/B 6'
U002-006-IB CABLE USB 1.1 A/B 6'
U002-006-R CABLE USB 1.1 A/B 6'
U002-006 CABLE USB 1.1 A/B 6'
U002-010 CABLE USB 1.1 A/B 10'
TWR-5/1500-15/250-D48A 功能描述:DC/DC转换器 15W +/-5/+/-15V RoHS:否 制造商:Murata 产品: 输出功率: 输入电压范围:3.6 V to 5.5 V 输入电压(标称): 输出端数量:1 输出电压(通道 1):3.3 V 输出电流(通道 1):600 mA 输出电压(通道 2): 输出电流(通道 2): 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体尺寸:
TWR-5/1500-15/250-D48A-C 功能描述:DC/DC转换器 13.5W +/-5/+/-12V RoHS:否 制造商:Murata 产品: 输出功率: 输入电压范围:3.6 V to 5.5 V 输入电压(标称): 输出端数量:1 输出电压(通道 1):3.3 V 输出电流(通道 1):600 mA 输出电压(通道 2): 输出电流(通道 2): 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体尺寸:
TWR-5/1800-12/200-D48A 制造商:未知厂家 制造商全称:未知厂家 功能描述:DC-to-DC Voltage Converter
TWR-5/1800-15/150-D48A 制造商:未知厂家 制造商全称:未知厂家 功能描述:DC-to-DC Voltage Converter
TWR-5/1800-15/150-D48A-C 制造商:Murata Power Solutions 功能描述:DC/DC TH - Bulk
TWR-5/3000-12/500-D12A 功能描述:DC/DC转换器 20W +/-5/+/-12V RoHS:否 制造商:Murata 产品: 输出功率: 输入电压范围:3.6 V to 5.5 V 输入电压(标称): 输出端数量:1 输出电压(通道 1):3.3 V 输出电流(通道 1):600 mA 输出电压(通道 2): 输出电流(通道 2): 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体尺寸:
TWR-5/3000-12/500-D12A-C 功能描述:DC/DC转换器 20W +/-5/+/-12V RoHS:否 制造商:Murata 产品: 输出功率: 输入电压范围:3.6 V to 5.5 V 输入电压(标称): 输出端数量:1 输出电压(通道 1):3.3 V 输出电流(通道 1):600 mA 输出电压(通道 2): 输出电流(通道 2): 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体尺寸:
TWR-5/3000-12/500-D12A-C 制造商:Murata Power Solutions 功能描述:DC-DC Converter